I've been avoiding this for a long time as I waited for divine inspiration about how to do it. But Indiana was on a more restrictive schedule than that, so I had to come up with something. I wish I could say this whole thing was my own idea, but it really came out of the tour of our old Mass Enroll functionality that Kati gave Emily and Adrian in Indiana. Somehow out of that, it was just obvious to them that Mass Enroll should be part of our Student List support in the web app. That had simply never occurred to me, but it made good sense to me too as soon as I thought about it.
So if you're not up to speed on how Student Lists work in the web app, you should review some of the other posts I've done about them like Using COEs as Student Lists, Exporting Student Lists in the Web App, and Ad Hoc Student Lists. There are a bunch of others as well. Just search the Blog for "List".
You can play with what I discuss below in the Indiana demo here. And so far this is only available in the Indiana web app. So you can access all of the Student List functionality in the web app by just pulling down the hamburger menu for any student list like so:

Note that there's a list menu item "Add enrollments". That's the new bit. And it takes you to a page like this:

You just check the students you want, fill in the enroll date, and click Save Changes. And bang, all these kids are reenrolled.
If you're thinking, but what about grade rollup? That's done automatically. And we've actually already added a way to override it on a student-by-student basis in the grid, but that's not even out on the demo site yet.
I know this functionality is likely to get much more sophisticated over the next year, but this is our first cut. And I rather like it. If you think it would be useful in your state, let us know!