This blog is intended to share an upcoming change to EOE calculations when QAD has been used as the basis of EOE. EOE is generally calculated as QAD + 3 years or when a student turns 22, whichever comes first. Some states have chosen to have MIS2000 automatically calculate EOE for enrollments and this functionality has been in place and unchanged for quite a few years now. Recently, it was brought to our attention that the QAD + 3 year calculation was off by 1 day. If the QAD is being used to determine EOE, then the EOE date should be 1 less than 3 years. For example, given a QAD of 9/1/2016, the EOE would be 8/31/2019. The calculation logic has been updated to fix this issue and that will begin rolling out with subsequent releases. We feel like this is a good change and so we are rolling it out to all of our states. If you would prefer not to receive this minor change, please contact us and we will revert that change for your state.
Also, if you aren't currently having MIS2000 calculate EOE and you would like to do so, please give us a shout and we can enable that for you as well !