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Auto Logout bug fixed

Anyone who uses the MIS2000 web system regularly may have noticed a rare but highly annoying bug that has been around for a long time. Basically, if you leave the MIS2000 web app idle for fifteen minutes or so, it will show a dialog to count down the five minutes before it automatically logs you out. But it has a button on it that will (supposedly) keep you logged in if you click it. But every once in a while, even if you click the button, you'd wind up finding out you've been logged out anyway when you tried to do something. I've known about this bug for, well, I'm not comfortable saying how long. And every once in a blue moon a user would complain about it or I would have it even happen to me. I've taken a stab at fixing it a few times, but never could pin down exactly why it was happening. So a couple months ago I decided to do whatever it took to kill it. The worst part was going to be tracking it down, so we put in some "traps" (what we call "diagnostics") to give us a heads-up when it was happening. Every once in a while we'd look in our traps to see what we could learn and then make the traps better to narrow it down. Finally last week, in an epiphany, I figured it out. I won't go into the gory details because they're pretty boring, but the good news is that this particular bug seems to be squashed.

It may take a few months before it makes its way out to all the states, but rest assured that you'll be getting the fix in your next release. And I offer my apologies that it took me this long to get it.

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