We've done several blog posts about the Student Lists in the web app. We introduced Student Lists here. We wrote more about how to manage your Student Lists here. We wrote about printing lists of Student Records here. And we introduced the notion of Ad Hoc Student Lists here.
But we haven't done any kind of similar functionality for lists of COEs. It just didn't seem like it would be useful enough to complicate the interface for. But then I had a user in Arkansas express the need to print out lists of COEs from the web app. We talked it through and decided the best way to go about it would be to use the existing notion of Student Lists to allow printing all the latest COEs that the students in the list appear on. So for example you can use your List of Students to print all their most recent COEs this way:

And you can use the Ad Hoc Student Lists to do the same thing:

I think it turned out to be a pretty ideal compromise. If you don't already see this in your own state's web app, it will show up in the next release. If you can't wait, let the people in your state MEP know and they can request a release at any time.