The ability to add supporting documents to MIS2000 has been around for a long time, initially taking the form of capturing documents from an attached scanner. But as the web app has become more and more popular for certains kinds of data entry and as scanners have become less and less common, the ability to upload PDFs became more of a thing. I covered our initial efforts to support PDF uploads (and other kinds of files as well) in this blog post. A few months later we introduced better management for deleting uploaded documents and I covered that here. But all of that support was separate from the older style of being able to keep scanned documents against students and COEs.
Recently, however, I've integrated all of the document support into the web app into the single, simple user interface we started using back in 2016. So it's all pretty seamless to the user now, and the documents can be seen in both the web app and the old desktop app. And I'm working to have them visible soon in the new app as well.