So we're counting down the last few days before the ESSA COEs go live. We've put new releases in every state that should automatically support the conversion to the new ESSA COEs on July 1. Everyone should find all the new fields in place and the new wording in the "Qualifying Moves & Work Section", but you may not find all the wording across the entire COE completely consistent with the ESSA National COE. The reason for this is that almost no state was consistent with the old NCLB National COE across all the labeling and wording, and this was in general by design. So when you get a look at the new ESSA COE on your system, if it's not exactly what you're expecting, just let us know and we'll make whatever tweaks are necessary to bring it into line with your expectations.
This has been the busiest month that any of us can remember in the past ten years. We've been just run ragged, but we keep imagining that we see light at the end of the tunnel. We know it won't all ease up next Monday. Actually we're expecting another wave of work, but after that, things should start to get back to normal. We should then be able to start working off some of our backlog that has accumulated over the past month or so.
And then, of course, there's Jay. He's still basically stuck at home, but we've got him set up and somewhat productive. He is receiving his phone calls there now and checking his email. We're trying to keep his workload light while he recuperates. He's got another surgery coming up on Friday to rebuild his left wrist, but hopefully this will be the last one. So we definitely won't hear anything from him on Friday, but he should slowly come back online over the following week. And then he'll build back up to 100% in the months following.
Thanks to all for being patient with us. It has been a crazy time!