Maine has been driving a lot of key development of the MIS2000 Web App for years now. Like many MIS2000 states, they've been keeping track of services through the web app, both by having MEP staff enter them and by having service providers enter them directly. We've made some pretty significant tweaks to their system recently that I'd like to describe a bit.
Again, like many states, Maine keeps a table in the system for Providers. In other states this is Advocates or just Staff. We've added a link now between the Maine Providers table and the Web Users table. This allows us to know that a particular web user is also a Provider and then limit the entry of Services to just those for this particular Provider. A normal MEP user can enter Services for any Provider.
But we can also check to see whether the User/Provider is a certified teacher. If so, we can display extra Services that only a certified teacher would be allowed to provide and disallow non-certified teachers from logging these services.
And we've also added support for displaying a student's current Service Plan on the Services Page. You can see all of these new features here: