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Child Count Reconciliation

I've been working with several states recently as they've gone through their MSIX Child Count Reconciliation reports. With each, we've identified changes needed to MIS2000 reports. I expect for all MIS2000 states to need some reporting changes during this process. When you get started on yours, let me know and I'll work with you to revise reports as needed.

Service Checkboxes with a List of Students

In my last post I talked about KY's ability to enter services by just checking boxes. They also have this functionality for lists of students as well. I've talked about lists in several posts, but this one has links to all the others. So the support for entering a bunch of services for a list of students simultaneously is one we agonized over how to design so it was powerful to be useful but simple enough that lots of users would immediately understand how to use it without training. Here's what we came up with:

Entering Services with Checkboxes

Many states have been using the web app to allow providers to enter their own services and Kentucky was an early adopter of this. We've done a huge amount of refinement and dialing in on their system over the years. Some services require quite a bit of detail for each instance, like number of contacts or hours, or sometimes a comment. But there are lots of services that don't require any extra data beyond that the service was provided during a certain enrollment, by a certain person, on a certain date. So we've enhanced the Kentucky Services page to allow entering services like this by just checking a bunch of boxes and hitting Save. Here's what it looks like:

Course History and Assessment imports

Ten years ago when MSIX first went into production, I figured lots of states would want to begin importing data into MIS2000 for the express purpose of sending it on to MSIX, particularly Course History and Assessment data which isn't nearly as useful to the sending state as the receiving state, so many of them weren't doing a great job of collecting it. If you had told me then that I'd still be putting lots of effort into developing these import processes ten years later, I wouldn't have believed you, but it's true. I wanted to spend a blog post talking about the current state of this development and who is doing what. Early on, quite a few states had me develop simply, manual imports that they could run once in a while whenever they got data from wherever they could get it. I think I did some imports like this for Alaska and Kentucky and Lousiana and several others.

COE Approval in the New App

We're continuing to develop the new app at a steady pace, although we've been pretty bogged down lately working to bring new states on - more on that later. One of the big milestones for the new app that we recently reached was being able to support the full COE Approval process and the hardest part of that is doing the student search and resolution. Here's a look at Vermont's version of it:

Auto Logout bug fixed

Anyone who uses the MIS2000 web system regularly may have noticed a rare but highly annoying bug that has been around for a long time. Basically, if you leave the MIS2000 web app idle for fifteen minutes or so, it will show a dialog to count down the five minutes before it automatically logs you out. But it has a button on it that will (supposedly) keep you logged in if you click it. But every once in a while, even if you click the button, you'd wind up finding out you've been logged out anyway when you tried to do something. I've known about this bug for, well, I'm not comfortable saying how long. And every once in a blue moon a user would complain about it or I would have it even happen to me. I've taken a couple stabs at fixing it a few times, but never could pin down exactly why it was happening. So a couple months ago I decided to do whatever it took to kill it. The worst part was going to be tracking it down, so we put in some "traps" (what we call & ...

Printing Lists of COEs in the Web App

We've done several blog posts about the Student Lists in the web app. We introduced Student Lists here. We wrote more about how to manage your Student Lists here. We wrote about printing lists of Student Records here. And we introduced the notion of Ad Hoc Student Lists here.

Emailing Users from the Web App

MIS2000 admins have access to some extra features in the web app than regular users have. One that's useful but a bit hidden is the ability to send emails to users. You get to it by clicking the "Users" menu and the "Email Users" link:

States Currently Using the Web COE

The web COE has been around for a few years now and it has been refined and adapted during that time. It's one of those things that everyone thinks is a great idea and wants it initially, but it doesn't always turn out to be a great fit for every state. It really depends on where COEs are collected in your state and whether those locations have decent internet access. The tablet COE is designed for those states that don't have good enough internet access for web COEs to be practical. But I thought it might be good to take a look at what some states have done with the web COE.

More enhancements to Uploading Documents

The ability to add supporting documents to MIS2000 has been around for a long time, initially taking the form of capturing documents from an attached scanner. But as the web app has become more and more popular for certains kinds of data entry and as scanners have become less and less common, the ability to upload PDFs became more of a thing. I covered our initial efforts to support PDF uploads (and other kinds of files as well) in this blog post. A few months later we introduced better management for deleting uploaded documents and I covered that here. But all of that support was separate from the older style of being able to keep scanned documents against students and COEs.

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Most Recent

Child Count Reconciliation
1/24/2019 8:51 AM | Kevin Donn
Service Checkboxes with a List of Students
1/14/2019 3:20 PM | Marcy Trogdon
Entering Services with Checkboxes
12/26/2018 9:27 AM | Kevin Donn
Course History and Assessment imports
12/3/2018 3:38 PM | Kevin Donn
COE Approval in the New App
11/12/2018 3:23 PM | Kevin Donn
Auto Logout bug fixed
10/22/2018 3:17 PM | Kevin Donn
Printing Lists of COEs in the Web App
10/1/2018 3:16 PM | Kevin Donn
Emailing Users from the Web App
9/10/2018 3:26 PM | Kevin Donn
States Currently Using the Web COE
7/30/2018 3:21 PM | Kevin Donn
More enhancements to Uploading Documents
7/9/2018 3:41 PM | Kevin Donn
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